Mitchell 1 SRM Connector
Shops using the platform can now seamlessly connect to the Mitchell 1 TruckLabor Module. With the Mitchell 1 SRM Connector, you’ll have access to standard labor estimates for thousands of operations and incorporate that information directly into the repair event.
We've streamlined the operation search process by placing SRM users directly into Mitchell 1's platform when selecting the Mitchell 1 operation source.
Selecting the Mitchell 1 operation source will present users with a login screen (if they haven't previously logged in).
Once logged into Mitchell 1, information such as year, make, and model is passed from the case directly to Mitchell 1, so there is no need to re-enter vehicle information before searching for operations.
Users will have the benefit of using Mitchell 1's operation search capabilities to locate, and select the correct operation by entering their search criteria in the Search field.
After finding and selecting the correct operation,
users can select the Add Button.
Users can continue to Search and Add additional operations as needed, then Select the Transfer Button located at the bottom of the Mitchell 1 screen to add the selected operations to the case.
After selecting the Transfer Button, users will be placed back on the Case, with their selected M1 operations added as line items on the estimate.
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