If a parts department has multiple part sources/manufacturers for the same part number, then a part source code may be used in Karmak Fusion.
When performing a Parts, Pricing, and Availability check for a case, the PP&A will always default to the first part source as they line up alphabetically. This means if a part is kept in inventory under Supplier A and Supplier B, the part will show the inventory and price from Supplier A if no parts source is entered.
To allow users to include and define the Parts Source on the Decisiv SRM, you must enable the Parts Salesman feature in the Case application.
NOTE: You must have Manager permissions or greater for a location to complete this step for that location.
To enable the Parts Source feature:
- From the Portal, select your location.
- From the top menu bar, select ADMIN.
- At the top of the Administrative Tools list, select Customize Your Database.
- At the top of the Dealership Profile list, select Location Information.
- Select the Features tab.
- On the Enable Parts Source dropdown, select Yes.
- At the bottom of the page, click Save Features.
Once enabled, a field will appear in the parts section of the operation window inside Decisiv. This will allow for the part source to be entered when performing a PP&A from Decisiv to Karmak Fusion.
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