To setup integration with Karmak Fusion:
- The dealer location must be activated and setup on both Karmak and Decisiv’s side.
- Initial integration testing must be completed and confirmed to be working on both Karmak and Decisiv platform.
Karmak Fusion Options
These options are held in Remote Repair Order Creation Options (SVO16000) and maintained in Remote Repair Order Creation Maintenance (SVO96000). Ensure Decisiv is selected in the Remote Application drop down.
General Options Tab
Defaults group box
- Status drop down list: Select the status to use on the repair order when it is opened.
- Disposal Fee Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/Select the Miscellaneous charge associated with disposal fees. This is usually an environmental miscellaneous charge for an EPA miscellaneous charge.
New Unit group box
- Unit Characteristic Type VTL: If enough information is provided by Decisiv, the process can create a new unit. Enter/select the unit characteristic type to be associated with the new unit.
If customer does not exist group box
Fusion will either create a new customer, if the customer number in the Decisiv export does not exist or use a cash customer. Karmak recommends using the cash customer. If Fusion creates the customer because the customer number does not exist, it will continue attempting to create the customer until the customer number being sent from Decisiv matches a customer number in Fusion.
- Create New Customer radio button: If you select this radio button, you will need to establish the corresponding payment method, payment terms, tax status, and tax body.
- Use Cash Customer: If you select this radio button, you will need to select a cash customer.
NOTE: All customers are returned by the VTL.
If repair type is missing group box
- Repair Type VTL: Enter/select the default repair type Fusion will use if the system cannot find a manufacturer’s code associated with a repair type that matches Decisiv’s SRT code (Op Code) or the OEM SRT code sent from Decisiv.
If part vendor is missing group box
- Supplier VTL: Enter/select the supplier to be used when Fusion cannot find the part sent from Decisiv.
NOTE: Typically, a ZZ or XX supplier is used, but you can make this value whatever you want. - Report to print group box: For the Decisiv integration. Select the No report or Hard copy radio button. If the Hard copy radio button is selected, a hard copy of the repair order automatically prints when the repair order is created through the Decisiv integration.
- Repair Order Quote Options group box: Check one of these boxes if you want the quoted bill/book hours from the repair type to be used instead of what is exported from Decisiv.
- Customer Creation group box: Select the Allow Customer to be Created from Decisiv checkbox to update or add customers from Decisiv directly into Fusion.
NOTE: You will need to contact Decisiv Support if you would like to use the Customer Creation integration.
Remote RO Options Tab
- Import Folder group box: The Target Folder and Service Network ID fields are for Karmak setup only. These fields are how we tie the incoming Decisiv export file to the correct branch.
- Defaults group box: Establish the default miscellaneous charges for the following options. Remember: G/L accounts, billing options, and miscellaneous charges may need to be created if you do not have an existing miscellaneous charge you want to map any of these values to.
NOTE: The variance type of the miscellaneous charge type setup will determine if the miscellaneous charge prints on the customer’s invoice.
If you choose to use an existing miscellaneous charge with a check box in the Variance Type Group box checked, that miscellaneous charge will not print on the invoice.
You must create a miscellaneous charge type with the Print Detail check box to print on the invoice or create one with no boxes checked to NOT print on the invoice. - Paint Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Since Fusion only accounts for parts and labor, and unlike Decisiv, does not account for a paint charge, we must map the Decisiv paint charge to a miscellaneous charge created in Fusion.
NOTE: A new miscellaneous charge is usually created for this value. - Freight Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/select the miscellaneous charge associated with freight cost.
- Shop Suppliers Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/Select the miscellaneous charge associated with shop supply costs.
- Haz Waste Offset Charge VTL: Enter/select the offset miscellaneous used for the difference between what was sent in the Decisiv quote and what was calculated by Fusion for hazardous waste.
- Parts Offset Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/select the offset miscellaneous charge used for the difference between what was sent in the Decisiv quote and what was calculated by Fusion.
NOTE: We do not expect to see an offset here due to OE price tapes. - Core Offset Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/select the offset miscellaneous charge used for the difference between what was sent in the Decisiv quote and what was calculated by Fusion.
NOTE: A miscellaneous charge typically already exists for this value. We do not expect to see an offset here due to OE price tapes. - Labor Offset Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/select the offset miscellaneous charge used for the difference between what was sent in the Decisiv quote and what was calculated by Fusion.
NOTE: We do not expect to see a difference here due to the Fusion labor rate provided to Decisiv. - Total Offset Miscellaneous Charge VTL: Enter/select the offset miscellaneous charge used for the difference between what was sent in the Decisiv quote and what was calculated by Fusion.
This value is used when you utilize the Fixed Price field in a Decisiv operation, and a new G/L account number, billing option, and miscellaneous charge need to be created.
Since the Fixed Price field value overrides the parts/labor pricing in the Decisiv operation, we must account for the discrepancy at the total level. Basically, labor and parts have no value at the operation level (i.e., task level in Fusion). - Default Backorder Priority drop-down list: Select the back-order priority that will be assigned by default to any parts that come across as back-ordered.
- No Automatic Miscellaneous Charges check box: No miscellaneous charges will be added to the repair order when this box is checked.
- Update In-Service Date check box: If a warranty start date is passed in the Decisiv export file, and this check box is checked, Fusion will update the in-service date in the unit record (provided the date is different).
- Comments group box: The drop-down lists in this group box allow for repair order-level and operational (i.e., Fusion task level) comments and notes.
For repair order-level comments (i.e., Repair Order Complaint Comments and Repair Order Correction Comments drop-down lists), you can choose not to add them, add them to the repair order’s General Comments tab, or add them to the complaint for the first task.
For the operation-level comments and notes (i.e., Operation Complaint Comments and Operation Standard Notes drop-down lists), you can choose to add them to the task’s complaint or not at all. - Comment Type VTL: Enter/select the comment type used for those comments added to the repair order’s General Comments tab. NOTE: Decisiv recommends selecting a General comment type for this field.
- Include Date & User of Additional Operation Notes check box: Select this check box to include Decisiv’s notes in the comments regarding the date and time a user added parts or labor.
NOTE: Most users leave this check box blank. - Additional Operation Notes to Include group box: Decisiv sends user, inspection, and system notes; select the corresponding check box to include this information in the comments.
NOTE: Most users choose to include the user notes (i.e., check the User check box), but exclude the inspection and system notes.
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