Better visibility to facilitate asset management
The Home Dashboard has been designed to be highly interactive and enables you to explore data in individual panels. You can start by viewing the dashboard information; clicking on items here will take you to the specific pages where you can take action.
The panels included in the home dashboard are divided into three different sections:
- Team Onboarding, (Available to Admins only) to easily take action on pending tasks to get your team onboarded and set up.
Business Overview, to facilitate understanding of the business status. Contains the following panels:
- Totals
- Assets by Status
- Service Events
- Alerts by Type
- Most Alerts by Depot
- Scheduled Maintenance
Activity panels, to facilitate understanding what other members of your team are working on and the tools to actively collaborate on internal processes. Contains:
- Recent Activity
- Team Notes
Configure the Home Dashboard panels By default, all panels will be visible. You can manage which panels are shown on your Home Dashboard. This won’t affect what other team members can see on their dashboards.
The panels, in detail:
- Team Onboarding: Complete important steps to get your team started.
- Configure the team profile
- Enable Depots and Assets
- Add Billing Contact Information
- Add team members
This panel can easily be hidden once the steps have been completed and are no longer relevant.
- Totals panel: Gain a quick understanding of the total assets managed by your team, the total number of Depots, and the specific Depots assigned to you. Clicking on “View All” on the Total Assets card will take you to the Assets page. Clicking on “View All” on the Total Depots card will take you to the Depots page. Clicking on “View All” on the Assigned to Me card will take you to the Depots page with the filter to only view those assigned to you.
- Assets by Status panel: This panel makes it possible to map service requests as well as case repair statuses to higher-level statuses to facilitate asset management. Clicking on the specific statuses will take you to the Assets page with the status filters automatically enabled.
Configure the Assets by Status panel (Admin users only) By default, the configuration is:
To change this configuration, go to the Asset section on the Team Preferences page, and edit the Assets by Status Configuration by selecting the statuses that better represent "Scheduled", "At Service", and "Ready" Assets for your business.
- Service Events panel: This panel allows for viewing events requiring attention. Specifically, it makes viewing Draft Events, including those containing Active Alerts, easier. It makes it easier to view In Progress Events, including those already Due or Overdue, based on the requested times. Clicking on the panel links will take you to the Service Events page with the event status filters automatically enabled.
- Alerts by Type panel: View all the Active Alerts sorted by type. Click on the panel links to go to the Assets page with the specific alert type filters enabled.
- Most Alerts by Depot panel: Get a glimpse of the Depots that require the most attention. Click on the depot links to go to the Assets page, with the depot filters automatically enabled.
- Scheduled Maintenance panel: This panel makes it possible to view active Scheduled Maintenance alerts, and to specifically understand their severity (as Due and Overdue).
- Recent Activity panel: View all activity related to event status changes happening across your team. Easily filter the activity to view only updates related to the events you’re watching, the events for depots under your assignment, or your activity only.
- Team Notes panel: View all notes posted to events managed by your team. Easily filter the notes to view only updates related to the events you’re watching, the events for depots under your assignment, or your notes only.
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