The Status Info section of the Case page contains all the timestamps and status information related to the repair.
While you do need to manually enter some of the fields in the Status Info section, you can also update most of the fields via the Quick Action buttons at the top of the Case page.
Below is an overview of each field in the Status Info section and how they are populated.
Repair Status
The Repair Status field reflects the current status of the repair and is updated automatically when you use the green workflow buttons on the Editing Case page.
You can also update the Repair Status manually by selecting a new status from the Repair Status dropdown.
Program Type
Can be used to classify cases by programs you offer. This is a user-configurable field that must be turned on in the Location Information Features tab under Customize Your Database. Program Types under Customize Your Database is used to setup the different program types and set a default if applicable.
The Created field lists the date/time the case was created and the first/last name of the user who created the case. This field is populated after a user clicks the New Case button for an asset and is taken to the Editing Case page for the new case.
The Closed field lists the date/time the case was closed and the first/last name of the user who closed the case. This field is populated after a user clicks the CLOSE button on a case.
Asset Arrived and Asset Checked In
The Asset Arrived field lists the time the asset arrived in the shop. The Asset Checked In is the date and time the asset was checked in.
To Update Asset Arrived field and Asset Checked In field, do one of the following:
At the top of the Case page, click CHECK-IN. Enter the time the asset arrived in the Arrived At field of the Check-In Asset model, select any users to receive notification, and enter a complaint then click CHECK-IN. The Asset Arrived field will be updated with the date entered on the Check-In Asset model and the Asset Checked In field will be updated with the system date and time the Check-In button was pressed.
Next to the Asset Arrived or Asset Checked In field, click [edit], enter the date and time, then click SAVE.
Asset Departed
To edit the Asset Checked In field, do one of the following:
At the top of the Case page, click ASSET IN SERVICE. Select recipients and enter a note as needed, then click ASSET IN SERVICE.
Next to the Asset Departed field, click [edit], enter the time the asset departed, then click SAVE.
ETR (Estimated Time to Repair)
The ETR reflects the time in which the service provider estimates they’ll finish the repairs.
To update the ETR field, do one of the following:
At the top of the Case page, click REQUEST APPROVAL. Select recipients, enter an ETR, and enter a note as needed, then click REQUEST APPROVAL.
Next to the ETR field, click [edit], enter the ETR, then click SAVE.
ATR (Actual Time of Repair)
The ATR reflects the time in which the repair was actually completed.
To Update the ATR field, do one of the following:
At the top of the page, click ASSET READY. Select recipients and enter a note as needed, then click ASSET READY.
Next to the ATR field, click [edit], enter the ATR, then click SAVE.
Depending on your location, the Follow-Up time is usually updated each time you use one of the Quick Action buttons to move the case forward in the workflow.
The system adds a specified amount of time to the time you change the case status to create Follow Up times. The amount of time added is configured by your administrator.
To edit the Follow Up field manually:
Next to the Follow Up field, click [edit], enter a new Follow Up time, then click SAVE.
Asset Down Time
The Asset Down Time field lists the time in which the asset stopped being in service as reported by the customer.
To edit the time the asset stopped being in service manually:
Next to the Asset Down Time field, click [edit], enter a time, then click SAVE.
Asset Up Time
The Asset Up Time field lists the time the asset returned to service after its repairs.
To edit the Asset Up time manually:
Next to the Asset Up Time field, click [edit], enter a time, then click SAVE.
Total Downtime
The Total Downtime field isn’t populated until timestamps have been entered for both the Asset Down Time and Asset Up Time. Once both fields are populated, the system calculates the Total Downtime by subtracting the Asset Up Time from the Asset Down Time.
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