On this page, you will see all the service events created by your team and specific details for each of those events. You can filter the list of service events by accounts, depots/customers, multiple service event details, as well as case repair status and case fleet status. You can also group service events by depots/customers.
The following columns are provided for service events:
Service Event: This field contains the Service Event number as a link with its current status (Draft or In Progress). Clicking the link will take you directly to the service event. If the event is in draft status, you can continue to edit the service event. If the event is In Progress, the Service Event will be read-only.
Related Event: This field contains the Service Request number and its status or the Case number and its Repair Status and Fleet Status. Beside the number and status, if the event already has a complaint description, it will appear below the event information.
Asset: Displays the Main and Secondary Identifiers for an asset. Note: The Main and Secondary identifiers are set up in the Assets section of Preferences. Beside the asset information, if the unit has active alerts, an icon will appear with the number of active alerts. The color of the icon will reflect the highest severity of the active alerts.
Service Provider: The selected service provider for the service event. The name, city, state, and phone number will be displayed. The phone number will be displayed as a clickable link to allow calling the service provider directly from the Service Events page.
Due Date/Time: The requested date for the service event. If a requested date is not provided, this will display the date of requested completion. If the current date is past this date, an overdue icon will be displayed.
Created: Displays the email address of the person who created the service request and the date and time the service request was created. If the time created is over five days, a yellow info icon will display with the text Created # days ago where # is the number of days past the creation date the service event was created.
Filter Service Events by Account, Depot, or Customer
Depending on your team configuration, you will be able to view Account and Depot filters/Customer filters. By default, all service events your team has access to are displayed on the Service Events page.
The Account and Depot/Customer filters allow you to filter the assets by those related to one or more specific accounts and depots/customers.
The Account filter will only become available if you are on a fleet-type team that has access to multiple accounts.
To filter your assets by Account:
- Click the Account filter dropdown to open the Account filter.
- Select the Custom option to filter by multiple Accounts.
- Click the Account Name search field to get a list of all the Accounts assigned to your team.
- From here, you can scroll and select an Account from the list, or begin typing the Account Name in the search field and select it from the search results.When you select an Account, it will be added to the selected accounts list in your filter.
- Continue selecting accounts from the list until you’ve selected all the accounts for which you want to view service events.NOTE: You can remove an account from your list by clicking the X next to its name.
- When you’re ready to see the Service Events belonging to the selected Accounts, click APPLY. The Service Events list will update to show the desired results. The account button will display a single account name if only one account is selected. If multiple accounts are selected, the button will show Accounts (#) where # is the number of accounts selected.
- To change back to view all accounts, click the accounts button and select All Accounts and click APPLY.NOTE: You can click CANCEL at any time to disregard any account filter changes that have not been applied and close the account filter.
To filter your assets by Depot:
- Click the Depot filter dropdown to open the Depot filter.
- Select the Custom option to filter by multiple Depots or Depot Group to filter by specific Depot groups.
- To search for only your favorite Depots, check Search Favorites Only. Click the Depot Name or Depot Group search field to view a list of all the Depot (or Depot Groups) in the system or your favorites.
- From here, you can scroll and select a Depot or Depot Group from the list, or begin typing the Depot Name in the search field and select it from the search results.When you select a Depot or Depot Group, it will be added to a list in your filter.
- Continue selecting depots or Depot Groups from the list until you’ve selected all the depots or Depot Groups for which you want to view service events.NOTE: You can remove a depot from your list by clicking the X next to its name.
- When you’re ready to see the service events belonging to the selected Depots, click APPLY. The service events list will update to show the desired results. The Depot button will display a single depot or depot group name if only one is selected. If multiple depots or depot groups are selected, the button will show the first depot or depot group name + # More where # is the number of depot or depot groups selected in addition to the first one.
- To change back to view all depots, click the depots button and select All and click APPLY.NOTE: You can click CANCEL at any time to disregard any account filter changes that have not been applied and close the depot filter.
To filter your assets by Customer:
- Click the Customer filter dropdown to open the Customer filter.
- Select the Custom option to filter by multiple Customers.
- To search for only your favorite Customers, check Search Favorites Only.
- Click the Customer Name search field to view a list of all the Customers in the system or your favorites.
- From here, you can scroll and select a Customer from the list, or begin typing the Customer Name in the search field and select it from the search results.When you select a Customer, it will be added to a list in your filter.
- Continue selecting customers from the list until you’ve selected all the customers for which you want to view service events. NOTE: You can remove a customer from your list by clicking the X next to their name.
- When you’re ready to see the service events belonging to the selected Customers, click APPLY. The Service Events list will update to show the desired results. The customer button will display a single customer name if only one is selected. If multiple customers are selected, the button will show the first customer name + # More where # is the number of customers selected in addition to the first one.NOTE: You can click CANCEL at any time to disregard any account filter changes that have not been applied and close the customer filter.
Filtering Service Events
On the Service Events Active tab, Sentinel shows service events with two statuses: Draft and In Progress. Draft is a Service Event that has been started, but not sent to a service provider. In Progress is a Service Event that has been sent to a service provider. The number of service events for Draft and In Progress appear in boxes in front of the description. To filter your service events only by Draft, select the Draft box. To filter your service events only by In Progress, select the In Progress box.
On the Service Events Completed tab, Sentinel shows service events that have been completed within the last 90 days. The Past # Days filter can be set to show the past 7, 30, 60, or 90 days.
On the Archived tab, Sentinel shows service events that were completed greater than 90 days ago. The number of service events that were canceled and completed appears in the boxes in front of the description. To filter only by service events that were canceled, click Canceled. To filter only by service events that were completed, click Completed.
The following filters apply to all three tabs.
To view only service events that you have selected to watch, check the View only Service Events that I am watching.
Advanced Filters
Advanced filters are available to provide even greater flexibility on what is displayed for the list of service events. To enable advanced filters, click Advanced Filters. The Advanced Filters window will be displayed. Most fields have the ability to multi-select values. To select a value, click the drop-down arrow and select a value. Once a value is selected, additional values can be selected by clicking the drop-down arrow again for fields allowing multi-select. If a value is selected, it can be removed by clicking the X beside the value. To clear all selections, click CLEAR ALL. Once all the desired values are selected, click APPLY and the Service Events list will update to show the desired results. If the selected filters produce no results, No Service Events Found will be displayed. The Advanced Filters button will show Advanced Filters (#) where # is the number of filter fields with at least one value.
The following fields are available:
Service Provider: The service provider assigned to the service event.
Provider City: The city for the service provider assigned to a service event.
Service Events-With Active Alerts, Due Soon, Overdue: These checkboxes are only available on the Active Tab. They can be used to filter service events with Active Alerts, Alerts that are due soon, or alerts that are overdue.
Creation Date: The From and To date range the service event was created.
Requested Date: The From and To date range the service event was requested.
Service Request Status: The status of the service event.
Case Repair Status: For service events with a case, the repair status on the case. The repair status is set by the service provider.
Case Fleet Status: For service events with a case, the fleet status on the case. The fleet status is set by the fleet.
Created By: The team member who created the service event.
Assignee: The person assigned to a depot/customer. Note: This field will be disabled unless someone has been assigned to a depot/customer.
Group Service Events by Depot or Customer
You can group the service events by Depot or Customer by selecting Depot or Customer from the Group by option. To remove the depot/customer grouping, click Group By and select None.
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