From the Asset Detail panel of the Assets page or the search results from the Search page, you can initiate a service request.
To start drafting your event request:
Click CREATE A SERVICE EVENT. If there are already draft events started for the asset, the Draft Events in Progress window will appear. This gives you the opportunity to continue editing an existing draft event by selecting the draft event and clicking CONTINUE EDITING or creating a new event by clicking CREATE NEW EVENT.
By default, all active Alerts for an asset will be automatically selected. You'll be able to defer any of the alerts if you need to.
A new request starts as a Draft event. The Asset, Customer or Depot, and Alert information is auto-populated. In the Asset section, if the Odometer and/or Engine hours need to be updated, you can click the pencil icon to enter the current readings.
Service Provider
In the Service Provider section, enter the asset location or a service provider name. If the location is the same as the Customer or Depot Address, select the Same as Customer or Depot Address box to populate the address.
Once you enter the location or service provider name, the map displays any service providers near the address you entered as well as lists them below the map. Use the map controls, proximity filter, and Network filter to find the provider you want.
Click SELECT next to a provider to choose them for this event.
NOTE: All changes are automatically saved. A notification appears each time the system saves.
In the Date section, enter your requested appointment date and time, requested completion time, or both. For the Appointment Date and time, you can select First Available to take the first available appointment the service provider has to offer. Make sure you select the correct Time Zone for the service provider’s location.
In the Complaint section, you can review the active alerts added to the event. You can also select upcoming maintenance or enter an ad-hoc complaint added to the event.
Active Alerts (#)
The Active Alerts tab will have a number in parenthesis indicating the number of active alerts for the asset. All active alerts will automatically be selected with a check beside each alert. To defer service on an alert, deselect it. The alert won't be included in the request. To clear all alerts, select CLEAR SELECTION. If some or all alerts are unchecked, but you would like to include them, you can select SELECT ALL to reselect all alerts.
Upcoming Maintenance (#)
The Upcoming Maintenance tab will have a number in parenthesis indicating the number of upcoming maintenance events for the asset. To include upcoming maintenance in the request, check the box beside that upcoming maintenance event. To select all upcoming maintenance events, click SELECT ALL. If some or all are selected and you would like to uncheck them, click CLEAR SELECTION.
The Handled tab will have a number in parenthesis indicating the number of alerts that have already been included in other In Progress events.
Other Services
If you would like to add a service that is not listed under Active Alerts or Upcoming Maintenance, click the + ADD SERVICE button. A Service text box will appear allowing you to enter a description for the service being requested. If there are additional services you would like to request, click + ADD ANOTHER SERVICE to add them.
The activity section provides a place to add notes about the service request that will only be visible to users in Sentinel. Notes added here will not be included on the Service Request. You can also click the History tab to see all activity that has taken place on this service request.
Review the person listed in the Contacts section. This person will be notified of updates on the asset.
If there is not a primary contact, click ADD PRIMARY CONTACT to add a new contact. This will present the Add Primary Contact dialog. There are two ways to add a contact. By default, Select existing contact will be selected. You can type in the Contact field to select an existing contact or click the drop-down arrow to see a full list of contacts that can be selected. Once an existing contact is selected, you can select their relation to the vehicle as Fleet Manager, Owner, Dispatcher, or Driver. If the contact does not already exist, click Create ad-hoccontact to add a new contact. The following required fields will appear: First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, and Relation to Vehicle. Note that if a phone is entered, the email can be left blank and if an email is entered, the phone can be left blank. To finish adding the contact, click ADD PRIMARY CONTACT. If a primary contact exists, you have the option to remove the contact by clicking the X beside the contact or editing the contact by clicking the pencil icon.
Sending the Service Event
When you're ready to send the appointment request to the Service Provider, click SEND REQUEST or CREATE CASE. Note that the buttons will not be enabled until all required fields have a value. Also, note that CREATE CASE will only be available to dealer-type teams creating cases on locations in their own Network, and if the team preferences allow so.
A Service Request will be created for the selected Service Provider in their Portal. It will include the complaint and requested times, and it can be completed as usual by the provider. A link to the case will be added to this event in the Sentinel application..
Any alerts related to it will be removed from the Alerts page.
Canceling the Service Event
If you need to cancel the service event, click the CANCEL button and select a Cancellation Reason. Once a reason is selected, click CANCEL SERVICE REQUEST. If you decide to keep the service event, click KEEP SERVICE EVENT.
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