Please make sure that the PKCS12 certificate format is used for the certificate. Almost all the certificate providers support this format; hence it should not be an issue. Decisiv will be supporting PKCS12 container uploading on the application admin page.
Endpoint Configuration
- Name – it can be anything you want it to be and does not really affect any functionality and only for convenience
- URL – this is the endpoint of the interface; same as what is being used today without an SSL certificate
- Content Type – currently, for AWS migration, we will use application/xml since all our interfaces use the same
- SSL verify mode – whether to verify the SSL certificate or not. If self-signed certificates are being uploaded, then the application will not try to verify them. For our purposes, since Digicert or some other certificate authority is being used, we will select verify_peer
- Client certificate – the PKCS12 file to be uploaded and the corresponding password
In order to upload an SSL client certificate for your location, you will need to log into the location at the URLs below:
Note: If you need login credentials, please get in touch with Decisiv Support at and let them know which rooftops you need access to.
- Then go to Admin->Customize Your Database->Location Information
- The page has three tabs: Details, External Interfaces, and Features
- Click on External Interfaces, and you will see details of the current interface configurations
- Next to each endpoint, you will see the Manage Endpoints link
- Clicking on the link will take you to the Endpoint editing and creation screen
- Click [edit]
- At the bottom of that screen is the link for uploading the SSL certificate
- Upload the certificate file and set the corresponding password
- You will need to load the client-side certificate on Decisiv for each location and for each of the interfaces enabled for those locations.
- You will load the server-side SSL certificate on your system where the interface runs.
- How many certificates are used on the DMS side is your decision
- You may decide to use exactly one certificate for all branches and all interfaces on a given DMS system
- On the Decisiv side, the configuration needs to be done for each branch for each interface/endpoint
Let us know if you need our assistance with getting these certificates in place and/or if you'd like to complete any testing once the certificates are in place.
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