Location Information is a set of configuration options available for each location. Service Managers can configure these options for each location they manage.
The Location Information options are broken down into three tabs:
To edit location information:
- Open a location from the Portal.
- From the menu bar, click Admin.
- From the Administrative Tools list, select Customize Your Database.
- From the Customize Your Database list, select Location Information.
Select one of the tabs to enter or edit location information for that group of options.
See below: - When you’re done entering or editing options on any tab, click SAVE before going to another tab.
Details Tab
Information entered on the Details tab determines your location’s contact information, language, and time zone information. It also determines what information appears on the case and estimate PDFs generated for each case.
The following information can be edited or populated on the Details tab:
- Location Name
- Address
- City
- State/Province
- Postal Code
- Country
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Email Address
- Language
- Time Zone
- Location Logo
NOTE: Be sure that the correct time zone is selected as it is used for recording time stamps on various actions within the platform.
Upload a Location Logo
The location logo appears on printed cases and estimates sent out to your customers.
The logo will automatically be resized for you but cannot be over 2 Megabytes in size when uploaded.
To upload a Location Logo:
- Scroll to the bottom of the Details tab.
- Drag-and-drop a file to the File field, or click Choose File and select a saved image of the dealer logo.
Once the file has been selected, click Upload Logo.
The logo will then appear to confirm the upload.
External Interfaces Tab
Options on this tab allow your location to export data from this application to your dealer management business system. The options vary depending on the DMS/DBS your location uses.
For more on the options available for your integration, see also: Help for DMS and DBS Integrations
Features Tab
The Features tab consists of multiple toggle switches, dropdowns, and text fields that allow service managers to customize a wide variety of features for different functions within their location.
They affect things like what features are enabled, how the interface looks, and what data auto-populates.
NOTE: If you enable or disabled an option on the Features tab, it will only go into effect for new cases created after you save your changes. It will not affect cases currently open.
The full set of options on this tab includes:
Option | Description |
Recent Cases Page | Set the number of cases displayed per page in the Cases (All Cases, My Cases, and Watching) screens. |
Always Show Fleet Notes | When enabled, ensures that fleet notes are always displayed whenever a user is viewing a case. This feature is useful for consistently providing important information related to the fleet without requiring additional steps to view the notes. |
Change Pricing Source | When enabled, users with Service Advisor permissions can change the assigned pricing source in an estimate. |
Edit Line Items | When enabled, users with Service Advisor permissions can edit operations within a case. |
Check-in Quick Action | When enabled, the Check-In button is added to the top of the Editing Case screen with the rest of the Quick Action Buttons. |
Hours after check-in to schedule follow up | When you use the Check-In Quick Action button, it automatically sets a time for the service location to follow up with the customer. The number entered in this field determines how many hours are added to the check-in time to calculate the Follow-Up time. |
Reset Follow-up Time | When enabled, the follow-up time is automatically reset when users use the Asset Ready and Asset in Service Quick Action Buttons |
Post Estimate with Quick Action Button | When enabled, the most recent estimate version will be sent to the customer when users use the Asset Ready and Asset in Service Quick Action Buttons. |
Create Case with Pending Asset | When enabled, a case can be created without an asset. This is useful if the asset information is not readily available. This allows you to create a case and add the asset details later. Once the required information is available, you can add the asset to the case. See also: Create Cases for Pending Assets - Desktop |
Require complaint at check-in QAB | When enabled, users are required to enter a complaint description when using the Check-In button. See also: Configure the Check-In Process |
Case Notes | The notes entered in this field display at the bottom of case generated estimates. It is often used to provide a disclaimer. |
Inspection performed by | When enabled, the Inspector Name or Company Name is displayed on the inspection form. |
Inspection notes | Similar to the Case Notes feature above, the notes entered in this field will display on the inspection form. |
Labor Card Additional Page HTML | The HTML code entered in this field is generated and displays on a separate page when the Print Labor Card function is used. |
Prepopulate Subcase PO Number | When enabled, the subcase PO number to be left blank or to populate based on the main case. |
Only Allow Administrators to Reopen Cases | When enabled, only users with Administrator permissions can reopen cases. |
Automatically Close Parent Case When All Subcases Are Closed | When enabled, the parent case is closed when all related subcases are closed. |
Alert when odometer and engine hours have not been updated | When enabled, users will see an alert after they click the Export to Case button that asks them to update the mileage and engine hours for an asset before they export the case if they haven’t updated that data as part of their service yet. |
Mandatory case complaint on mobile case creation | When this is enabled, users will be required to stop and fill out the Complaint field as they create a new case on the mobile version of Case. |
Enable estimate mobile link on email/sms when technician is assigned | When this is enabled, the technician assigned to a case will get a link to the mobile version of Case in the email/SMS (text) as well as a link to the web version of Case. |
Auto-Populate Billing Transaction Amount | When enabled, the billing transaction amount is automatically populated. |
Default search for assets | Select what is automatically selected on the Search page in the Asset section. Choices are SERIAL, UNIT, LICENSE, and CHASSIS ID. |
Default search for cases | Select what is automatically selected on the Search page in the Cases section. Choices are CASE ID and REPAIR ORDER. |
Default Tag Number | The text entered populates the Tag Number field in cases. |
Invoice Dialog Behavior | Determines whether the invoice total, invoice line items or both need to be entered. |
Invoice Dialog Permissions | Specifies where users can edit invoice information. |
Enable Product Codes | This feature allows you to manage and utilize product codes within the system, which can be customized based on location needs. |
Enable Departments | Use this feature to enable or disable departments. Department codes are used to track operations, systems, and component costs. They can also be customized based on location needs. |
Enable Part Salesman | Use this feature to enable or disable Part Salesman. If enabled, the part salesman ID is exported to the DMS RO for parts salesperson. |
Enable Part Quantity Details | This option will control what is shown for parts in the edit operations screen. It can be set to No, Part Qty (Shipped/BO), or Part Qty (Qty/On Hand). |
Enable Part Source | Use this feature to enable or disable part source. If enabled, allows the user to specify the manufacturer or source when entering a part, especially if that part is acquired from two or more sources. |
Enable Calculate Charges via Case Export | This feature is not supported by all business systems, but when enabled, charges on the estimate are calculated based off of the DMS setup when a case is exported. |
Enable Additional Charges | When enabled, an Additional Charges section is added to the Operations section of a case. Extra costs can be added to pre-built operation variations. This feature ensures that the "Additional Charge" will be included by default when the operation is added to a case, streamlining the process and eliminating the need to add it manually later on. |
Enable Warranty Claim Export | Use this feature to enable or disable warranty claim export. If integrated with the OEM you can enable warranty ID to be pulled back into the case by exporting the warranty claim. |
Enable Quickstop Banner | When enabled, the Quickstop banner will appear at the top of the Editing Case page providing quick access to critical case information. Administrators can decide which values to present in the banner area using the Quckstop Banner Preferences option in Administrative Tools, choosing from options like Customer, Unit, Repair Status, Follow-Up, Estimate, and more. |
Allow Custom Operations before operation search | By default, the Custom Operation button and Custom Operation tab will only appear for users after a user tries to search for an operation first in order to promote the use of approved operations. When enabled, the Custom Operation button and tab will always be available to users even before they search for an operation. |
Display Actual/Quoted Labor Hours and Price | When enabled, the actual and quoted labor hours display in a case. |
Source Data For Sub Vendor Amounts Displayed in Parent Case | The dropdown selected determines whether sub vendor source data is displayed in the estimate or the invoice. |
Include ETR In Versioned Estimate | When enabled, the Estimated Time of Repair will be included in each estimate version of a case. |
Show Estimate's Declined and Deferred Information | When enabled, any estimate posted for a case will include a separate section below the total that lists the operations and parts declined or deferred as part of the case. The section will include the operation and part names, labor and parts prices, and reason the line item was declined or deferred. |
Include Notes in Export Files | When enabled, notes will be included in the files exported to the service location business system. |
Multi Service Distributor | When enabled, features related to multi-services for Credit Checks will display to end users. |
Miscellaneous charges from DMS | For locations integrated with CDK, this setting enables the DMS Tax & Misc. Fee Calculation feature available in CDK UJ050B. See also: DMS Tax & Misc. Fee Calculation (from CDK) |
Enable Technician Stories | If enabled, you can determine if technician stories are created in Case and sent to the integration partner, or the technician stories are created by the integration partner and set to Decisiv. |
Enable partial match for Operation Search | If enabled, return results matching any part of the asset's Make, Model, or Engine. |
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