The Manage Users link under the Admin Menu allows Account Representatives to assign data to each user, associate the case data each user will see, view the last time users logged in, and assign account favorites.
- Assign Data Sources
- Assign Account Favorites
- Assign Default Favorites
- View Access Log
- View Notifications Log
- Inactivate Users
- Delete Users
Assign Data Sources
Users can be given access to different fleets or providers within a data source. The access you give them determines what cases the user can see and search in the system.
Fleet users should be assigned to fleet sources while service providers should be assigned to provider sources to ensure each user sees the the correct information to complete their job.
Typically only one source is configured per account.
To assign a fleet or provider data source to a user:
- From the menu on the left, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user whose access you want to manage, and click their name.
- On the Edit User page, make sure the checkbox next to Status is checked.
- To assign fleet access, search for the fleet in the list or begin typing it in the Filter Fleets field, and select the checkbox for it on the left.
To assign provider access, search for the provider in the list or begin typing it in the Add Dealers field, and select the checkbox for it on the left.
If you do not see the Fleet or Dealer source combination you expect to see, feel free to contact us at - To save your changes, click Submit.
Once saved, the user will see the case data you assigned to them the next time they log in.
Assign Account Favorites
At the very bottom of the Edit User page, you can assign Account Favorites to the user.
Account Favorites are favorites created by the Account Representative and made available to users within the account. Users will only be able to view these favorites, not edit them.
Only favorites added to the Account Favorites menu will be available to assign to users.
See also: Manage Account Favorites
To assign Account Favorites to a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user whose access you want to manage, and click their name.
- At the bottom of the Edit User page, you'll see a list of Account Favorites.
- Select the checkbox next to each Account Favorite you want to assign to the user.
To select all of the favorites, click the blue Select All link at the top of the Account Favorites list.
To deselect all of the Favorites, click blue UnSelect All link text at the top of the Account Favorites list. - To save your changes, click Submit.
Once saved, the user will see the Account Favorites you assigned to them under their Favorites menu the next time they log in.
Assign Default Favorites
At the very bottom of the Edit User page, you can also assign a Default Favorite to the user.
The Default Favorite is the first favorite the user sees when they log in. They will only be able to view this favorite, not edit it.
Only favorites added to the Account Favorites menu will be available to assign to users.
See also: Manage Account Favorites
To assign a Default Favorite to a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user whose access you want to manage, and click the user’s name.
- At the bottom of the Edit User page, you'll see a drop-down menu under Default Favorite.
- From the drop-down, select the favorite you want to assign as their Default Favorite.
- To save your changes, click Submit.
Once saved, the user will see the Default Favorites you assigned to them on their homescreen the next time they log in.
View Access Log
The Access Log for a user tells you:
- Name: first and last name of the user
- Date Created: time and date the user was created and how many times they logged in
- Current Login IP Address: IP address of the device the user is currently logged in with
- Last Login IP Address: IP address of the device the user used the last time they logged in
To view the Access Log for a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user whose Access Log you want to view, and click View Log for that user under the Access Log column.
View Notifications Log
The Notifications Log for a user tells you:
- Feed Identifier: name of the favorite associated with the notification
- Case Identifier: Case ID of the case associated with the notification
- Created: time and date the case was created
- Updated: time and date the case was last updated
- Seen: time and date the user clicked the Notifications button after the notification was sent
- Read: time and date the user marked the notification as read
- Emailed: time and the date an email was sent to the user
- Smsed: time and date a text message was sent to the user
- Deleted: time and date the user deleted the notification
To view the Notifications Log for a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user whose Access Log you want to view, and click View Log for that user under the Notifications column.
Inactivate Users
If you want to remove a user's access to the system without deleting their account, you can inactivate them. Inactivating a user is helpful if you want to remove the user's access for a short amount of time or prevent the user from accessing the system while you make other changes.
To inactivate a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user you want to inactivate, and click their name.
- On the Edit User page, uncheck the Status checkbox.
- To save your changes, click Submit.
The user will be logged out of the system and no longer able to access it. Their user account will still appear in the system. To reactivate, repeat the steps above, but make sure the Status checkbox is checked.
See also: Invite Users
Delete Users
If you want to delete a user from the system, you can do so from the Manage Users page. Deleting a user removes their access to the system as well as their account in the system.
If you delete a user, you will have to create a new account and send a new invite to them in order to give them access again. Any notification or access logs will be deleted.
To delete a user:
- On the menu bar, select Admin Menu.
- Then click Manage Users.
- Search for the user you want to delete, and click Delete for that user under the Delete column.
The user will be logged out of the system and no longer able to access it. Their user account will no longer appear in the system.
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