Decisiv has introduced both user experience enhancements and new functionality to help users create and modify estimates quicker in Case. The following areas have undergone significant redesign in 2024:
- Configurable Settings - provides users the flexibility to customize the esitmate operations table to suit their preferences
- Searching for Operations - provides users the flexibility to search across multiple operations sources, and an advanced search to provide an easier way to find operations directly from the main case screen
- Editing Operations - enables the user to edit operations directly from the main case screen, reducing the number of screens and clicks the user has to navigate
- Approval on Behalf of the Customer - enables the user to record estimate approval when receiving approval from the customer via a note, email, text, phone call, in-person, etc.
Approval on Behalf of the Customer
In addition to the ability to contact the customer and request approval via the Request Approval Quick Action Button, users can now update the approval status for estimate operations on the customer's behalf. Providing approval on behalf of the customer is especially useful when the customer has given approval via a case note or outside of the case altogether (e.g., via phone, verbally at the front counter, in an email or text, etc.). This feature enables users to denote which line item operations to approve, and then update the overall case to document the approval and communicate it to the customer.
Selecting the APPROVAL STATUS drop-down menu associated with the operation will provide users with the options to approve, defer, or decline on behalf of the customer.
After selecting any of the statuses (Approved, Deferred, Declined), users are presented with a popup. In the pop-up, a required Reason for Approving dropdown menu is provided, along with an optional Additional Comments field.
After choosing a reason from the dropdown menu, a button at the bottom of the pop-up will activate (turn blue), allowing users to update the Approve, Defer, or Decline status for that operation.
After approving, deferring, or declining the operation on behalf of the customer, users are returned to the Operations table. If users select the VIEW DETAILS link located just below the Approval Status dropdown menu, they'll find details about who updated the operation, the reason for the update, and whether it's associated with an estimate version that has been shared with the customer.
Sharing Updated Estimates
Once the user has approved, deferred, or declined operations on behalf of a customer, the next step is to share the updated estimate with the customer, ensuring Service Departments and their customers stay aligned with the evolving estimate.
Once all line item operations have their Approval Status updated to either approved, deferred, or declined, the SHARE ESTIMATE button located just below the estimated total will become active.
When users click the SHARE ESTIMATE button, a pop-up will allow users to choose a contact or contacts with whom they want to share the latest version of the estimate. They can also include the Estimated Time of Repair (ETR), add any notes, and select or deselect attributes related to the estimate .pdf that they want to share.
Once a recipient has been selected, the SHARE ESTIMATE button will become active, allowing users to share the latest version of the estimate with their customers.
Depending on how contacts have their notifications set up, they will receive either an email notification with the attached PDF version of the estimate, or an SMS notification with a link to access the estimate.
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