Decisiv has introduced both user experience enhancements and new functionality to help users create and modify estimates quicker in Case. The following areas have undergone significant redesign in 2024:
- Configurable Settings - provides users the flexibility to customize the esitmate operations table to suit their preferences
- Searching for Operations - provides users the flexibility to search across multiple operations sources, and an advanced search to provide an easier way to find operations directly from the main case screen
- Editing Operations - enables the user to edit operations directly from the main case screen, reducing the number of screens and clicks the user has to navigate
- Approval on Behalf of the Customer - enables the user to record estimate approval when receiving approval from the customer via a note, email, text, phone call, in-person, etc.
Operations Search Capabilities
The capabilities related to Operations Search include:
- Searching and Adding Operations
- Advanced Operations Search
- Custom Operations
- Recommend Operations
- Campaigns and Recalls
Searching & Adding Operations
The case operation search feature allows users to search for operations from specific sources or across all available sources using the "All" source option. Additionally, users have access to Advanced Search, which enables them to refine their search for specific operations instead of conducting a broad search.
Users can select a single source to search operations,
or use the default "All" source, which searches across all available sources.
With the source selected, typing at least three characters in the operations search field will activate the SEARCH button located to the right of the field.
After clicking on SEARCH, a drop-down menu will appear showing results based on the search criteria (source and search entry). The results will include the information source and the top three operations matching the criteria. Additionally, details for each operation such as description, labor time, and variation information will be displayed.
When you select an operation, it will be added to the estimate and the menu will remain open for you to choose additional operations if necessary. If you click outside of the dropdown menu on an empty part of the screen, the search results menu will close.
If more than three operations are available outside of the top search results, users can select the VIEW ALL link in the upper right-hand corner of the search results area.
This will open the Advanced Search feature and display all available operations based on the search criteria.
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search feature enables users to focus on specific operations when searching and adjusting a source where many operations meet the search criteria.
Advanced Search can be accessed by selecting the ADVANCED SEARCH link located at the bottom border of the search results area.
Or you can click the VIEW ALL link in the upper right corner of the search results area, which appears when more than the top three search results are shown.
Once on the Advanced Search screen, users can toggle operation sources by selecting the Source drop-down menu, and then a source from the available options, and finally entering a search term in the search field.
The search results will list search results that can be added to the estimate by clicking the ADD button for a particular operation. Users will remain on the Advanced Search screen, which will allow them to continue searching and adding operations. If users click the REMOVE button, the operation will be removed from the estimate, and users will stay on the Advanced Search screen so they can continue searching for operations.
Selecting the X located in the upper right corner will close the Advanced Search screen and place users back on the Editing Case screen.
Custom Operations
When the searched-for operations are not available, users can use the Create Custom Operation feature to create one-time operations. This feature allows users to proceed with adding operations to estimates.
The Create Custom Operation feature can be accessed by selecting the CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION link located in the upper right corner of the operation table.
The CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION link can also be accessed from the search results screen (note: the CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION link will only appear here when no search results are available).
it can also be accessed via the Advanced Search screen (note: the CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION link will only appear here when no search results are available).
Users have the option to create operations with a Fixed Total Price, and also allocate pricing individually to Labor, Parts and/or Paint. If the Operation Pricing Fixed checkbox is selected, editable fields will be revealed to set the price.
If the Operation Pricing Fixed checkbox is not selected, then selecting the Labor, Parts, and Paint checkboxes will expose the editable fields for those areas of detail.
Once all required fields for the selected areas have been entered (fields with a blue asterisk are required), the CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION button located at the bottom of the screen will become active.
Selecting the CREATE CUSTOM OPERATION button will close this screen, placing the user back on the Editing Case screen with their operation added to the estimate.
Viewing & Adding Recommended Operations
The Recommended Operations screen provides easy access to Service Provider Recommended operations set by this service location, due or overdue Scheduled Maintenance operations for this particular customer unit, as well as Deferred Operations that were previously deferred by the customer on a prior case.
Users can access the Recommended Operations areas by either selecting the VIEW RECOMMENDED OPERATIONS link located in the header area of the operations table,
or by selecting the VIEWlink associated with the popup message that's displayed when entering the case (Note: popup message will display until dismissed or user opens and reviews operations).
After accessing the Recommended Operations area, users will be able to add desired operations to the estimate..
Selecting the ADD button associated with the operation will add the operation to the estimate. Once added, the button will change to REMOVE, providing the users the opportunity to remove added operations directly from the Recommended Operations screen.
Selecting the Close button located in the footer of the modal will close the Recommended Operations area. It can also be closed by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner.
Viewing Campaigns & Recalls
The Recall and Campaign operations area provides convenient access to OEM recalls and campaigns, as well as Service Provider campaigns.
Users can access the Campaigns and Recalls areas by selecting the VIEW CAMPAIGNS & RECALLS link in the header area of the Operations table,
or, by clicking on the VIEW link associated with the popup message that appears upon entering the case. (Note: The popup message will continue to display until dismissed or until the user opens and reviews operations).
Selecting the ADD button associated with the operation will add the operation to the estimate. Once added, the button will update to REMOVE, providing users the opportunity to remove added operations from this screen.
Selecting the CLOSE button located in the footer of the screen, or the X in the upper right-hand corner will close the Campaigns & Recalls screen.
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